Chester College's Blog

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Dr. Ángel Carracedo Visits Chester College: Passion and Science in an Inspiring Conference 08/02/2025

On Wednesday, January 29, Chester College had the honor of welcoming Dr. Ángel Carracedo, a world-renowned researcher, physician, and professor, considered a leading authority in the field of Genetics. Based in Santiago de Compostela, Dr. Carracedo has built a distinguished career, and on this occasion, he shared his experiences and insights with our school community. […]

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Identification and Labeling of Trees and Plants: A New Step in the Eco-Schools Program 28/01/2025

One of the key objectives Chester College International School has set for the 2024-25 school year, as part of the Eco-Schools programme, is the identification and labeling of the trees and plants in the school's natural surroundings. This activity has been designed in two phases. The first aims to spark students’ curiosity about the school’s […]

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Empowering Students Through Writing Workshops at Chester College 10/06/2024

How can teachers effectively guide secondary students in improving their communication skills? How do reading, writing, listening, and speaking work together to foster growth? And how can a teacher design lessons that engage learners with diverse abilities, ensuring the content is “just right” for everyone? These were the questions I faced as both a teacher […]

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Chester College Joins the Eco-Schools Programme: A Commitment to Sustainability 02/03/2024

Since January 2024, Chester College International School has been part of the Eco-Schools Programme, an international initiative promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). This program aims to promote environmental education and sustainability in schools by involving the entire school community—students, teachers, families, and staff—in implementing eco-friendly practices. What Is the Eco-Schools Programme and […]

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Maria Meijide, profesora del taller de creatividad impartido en 2023 en Chester College. Art & Creativity Workshops in Chester College by Artist Maria Meijide 23/06/2023

Between April and June of the current 2022-23 school year, Chester College International School's students from Grades 7 to 9 (Middle School) enjoyed a weekly workshop led by the Galician artist Ms María Meijide ( in which the following techniques were addressed specifically but also in a joint (not compartmental) way: The sessions were often supported […]

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St. Gilgen International School Visits Chester College: A Cultural Exchange in Santiago 12/06/2023

On Monday, June 5th, Chester College International School welcomed 25 students from Grades 8 to 10 and 3 teachers from St. Gilgen International School in Austria. The main objective of this exciting visit? A creative project: How to promote Galicia through video, while also fostering cultural exchange and building connections between the students. The Project: […]

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Summer Camp 10 reasons why Physical Education is so important in schools 01/06/2023

At Chester College International School in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, we know the many benefits sports can bring and we give Physical Education classes the priority they deserve. That is why every student currently takes part in a daily sports session as part of their academic timetable. Below are 10 reasons (we could think of […]

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Participating students in the public speaking tournament - May 2022. 1st Public Speaking Tournament (TEO): Chester College’s Experience 16/06/2022

On October 8, 2021, we received an email from the Barrié Foundation inviting Chester College International School to participate in the I School Oratory Tournament (also known as TEO - Torneo Escolar de Oratoria). This educational and engaging initiative aimed to develop students' public speaking and communication skills. We were thrilled by the opportunity, but […]

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10 Reasons to Choose Chester College's Language Immersion Summer Camps in Spain 28/02/2022

Looking for a life-changing summer camp experience? Chester College's international language immersion summer camps offer an unbeatable combination of learning and fun. Here are 10 reasons why choosing our summer programs is the right choice for you or your child. 1. Pioneers in Language Immersion Programs (Since 1985)At Chester College International School, we’ve been leading […]

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The importance of Music in children's education - Ms Victoria Jericó 30/01/2022

Why does our school attach so much importance to music? We interviewed Ms. Victoria Jericó, Music and violin teacher at Chester College International School. Her answers help us understand what happens in her classes (both outside and inside: in the bodies of each one of our children) and highlight the importance of musical education. I: […]

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Abraham Cupeiro tocando la gaita School Concert – Abraham Cupeiro: Pangea extracts 22/02/2021

Last Friday, February 19, the staff and students of Chester College International School were lucky enough to enjoy a private concert given by Abraham Cupeiro Lopéz. Originally from Lugo, Abraham graduated from the Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid as trumpet player and went on to complete a master’s degree in Interpretation of Early Music. He has always had a […]

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SAT exams session – Saturday December 5, 2020 02/12/2020

Chester College is an official the College Board (R) examination centre. Two to three exam sessions are organised onsite every year. This upcoming Saturday December 5, Chester College International School will hold an SAT exam session. Some housekeeping comments below for students sitting the test: Arrival time: 07.45. Exam start: 08:00 Approx. finishing time – […]

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A Chronicle of 10 weeks of distance education 26/05/2020

Today we have completed our 12th week of virtual learning at Chester College International School.  In early March, when it was announced that students would be confined to their homes due to Covid-19, who could have guessed that two and a half months later, our students would still be at home.  The students would have […]

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Advent & Christmas in Chester College 20/12/2019

A new Christmas Day is around the corner! And also a new year! 2020! In Chester College we have been preparing for and celebrating Advent during the past 3 weeks: decorating the school, putting up the Christmas tree and the school’s Nativity scene, reflecting upon the original meaning of Christmas in class, rehearsing carols… Last […]

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Autumn at Chester College, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain! 11/10/2019

With the arrival of Autumn comes many new opportunities and experiences. Seeing the leaves turn red and gold on the trees, roasting the first chestnuts of the season, enjoying the sunrise on a crisp, autumn day…. At Chester College we are surrounded by nature, and are therefore constantly reminded of the passing of the seasons. […]

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MAIS Annual Professional Development Conference 2017 29/11/2017

This year, a team of 3 members of staff from Chester College I.S. attended MAIS´s 2017 Annual Conference, which took place in Valencia, November 2-5, and was entitled “Setting Learning on Fire”. The conference provided a wonderful opportunity for teachers to learn from experts in the fields of student assessment, curriculum development, and speech development. […]

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On “The Secrets of Overseas Admissions”: talk by Dr. Monica Rude 18/05/2016

In the final years of a student’s High School education, students are expected to start trying to qualify for universities. Unfortunately, many students have never been taught about college applications, how they work, or how one qualifies for them. For this reason, some schools invite experts of the field to come to schools to inform […]

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European Youth Parliament 15/03/2015

Mid-February the European Youth Parliament, an initiative organised  by young people for young people and which has been running for over 20 years, held their first ever regional session  in Galicia. EYP´s aim is to promote debating and public speaking skills as well as develop critical thinking all within the realms of what is going […]

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